Open Blinded Eyes
In the book of Romans, the Apostle Paul makes an interesting statement about this those who have turned their back on God. They not only practice unrighteousness, but they give hearty approval of those who practice these things. (Rom. 1:32)
This comment is lived out on the streets, in the news, and on screens across the country. Things that would have made our society blush just a few years ago are now flaunted before the world with pride. Now they are even encouraged and viewed as normal.
Their sin has allowed Satan to blind them to the truth. They are living out Judges 17 where “every man was doing right in his own eyes.”
Today we’re asking God to open blinded eyes across our county. Giving spiritual sight to those who have been blinded to the sin their lives and those around them. They need a healing touch from the Father’s hand. Before they can repent, their eyes must be opened to their sin. They need a vision of the holiness and righteousness of God. (more…)